Cycling, Don’t Count it Out!

Cycling for fun and health

Cycling is often overlooked in lieu of more traditional transport, and that is a trend which hurts both the individual and society. Cycling instead of driving can not only help you save money, but can also be an enormous boon to your health. An issue that commonly stands in the way of this course of action is the poor adaption of the relevant systems by local government, fortunately enthusiasts recently had a thought to combat this problem.

A recently invented Cycling App helps cities plan better cycling routes by identifying roads and areas that could benefit from additional cycling routes.

Apps like this are becoming a more common tool for city planners. They help not only the feasibility of taking cycles instead of powered transport, but also increase the safety margin for the riders, effectively allowing them more space to avoid the drivers who control several tons of moving metal and plastic. With climate change and other environmental effects becoming an increased concern the world over, expect to see programs like this more commonly adopted, and better utilized, towards the future.